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Tonight's Dinner: Chicken Fried Steak Steamed Asparagus (not pictured, b'cuz even adding an extra 7 minutes for altitude, the Potatoes au Gratin weren't done so they're back in the oven ... maybe they'll be done in time for dessert!) A friend stopped by this morning and gifted me a fat package of 2 beautiful Beef Cube Steaks she'd snagged out of Herman's Corner (she grabbed 2pkg and kept one for herself). I did a typical 3-step breading using crushed corn flakes instead of cracker crumbs on the two #CubeSteaks and they browned up nicely in a little bit of bacon drippings. I served up the Chicken Fried Steak with some of the leftover Sausage Gravy from Saturday's Brekkie. #TonightsDinner #ChickenFriedSteak #Asparagus #PotatoesAuGratin

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