Tonight's Dinner: Airfryer #Salmon Bites! 🎣 Potato 🥔 Pancakes and Confetti 🎊 Cole Slaw. This week's Food Co-op 📦 box had a bag of 4oz individually cryovac-ed fillets of skinless Salmon (I actually prefer skin on my salmon, especially if I'm going to grill it on the barbie). I'd recently seen a cooking vid of someone making salmon bites so I thought I'd give it a whirl with half these fillets. A little olive oil, lemon juice and some spices - MrsDash, garlic powder, coriander, pepper - stirred together and the salmon cut in 1x2 inch pieces added to soak while I made the slaw and pancakes. The Potato Pancakes were made from some leftover garlic mashed taters that I added an egg, a couple TBS flour, and some grated Parmesan, and then airfried. Confetti 🎊 Cole Slaw is a colorful name for my version of Cole Slaw. Shredded red & green cabbage, carrots, some minced onion, juliennes of radish, and garnished with pepitos and sugar-free home dried cranberries, with a sweet & sour dressing. Just before airfrying I dredged the marinated salmon in Panko, airfried them for 7 minutes at 400°F which made them nice and crispy on the outside and moist inside. #TonightsDinner #SalmonBites #Airfryer #ColeSlaw #Potato #Pancakes
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