Today's Brekkie: This morning was a "production cooking" event to get some morning staples prepared for later and easy consumption. To include: Brekkie #Sausage, #CountryGravy, #Biscuits, and #CheesyGrits! Sausage Crumbles - one part regular store brand breakfast sausage and one part HOT Farmer John's sausage (b'cuz regular breakfast sausage is too bland and GroceryOutlet across the street had close-dated HOT! Farmer John for 99c/chub ... yes, of course I bought a few extras and tossed 'em in the freezer!). Unwrap sausage chubs and place in large wok (you can substitute large frying pan or dutch oven) on medium heat, and break up and mix sausage with a multi-bladed Ground Meat Masher/Chopper or side/back of wooden spoon, cook sausage to medium doneness, then drain sausage of rendered fat in strainer/colander suspended over large bowl. Cheesy #Grits - bring 3 cups water to boil in large sauce pan. Add 3 pinches of Salt or No-Salt (Potassium Chloride) a shake or two of granulated garlic and 3 more pinches of cracked or coursely ground pepper, and stir in ¾ cup of Old-Fashioned whole-grain Grits (not quick 5 minute or instant grits, "real grits" that take 25-30 minutes to cook) keep stirring until water & grits return to boil then turn heat to low and stir occasionally so grits don't stick. When sausage has been put in strainer stir in 1 cup cubed or shredded Cheddar cheese (sharp, medium, mild, Colby or American - whatever your preference, but should be an America style yellow cheese ... to the rest of the world cheese is white, off-white, bleu, and occasionally green but in a America we think cheese should be artificially #yellow ... sigh), then stir in a cup of your freshly cooked sausage crumbles and keep Cheesy Grits warm. While grits and sausage are cooking mix your biscuit dough ..or.. cheat and crack one of those Pillsbury DoughBoy canned biscuits on the counter edge (mine usually explode in my hand just pulling the outer label off ... yes, I cheated today b'cuz the Food Co-op had recently included a can of biscuits in my delivery, so I used it!), cut and position dough on pan and preheat oven (I use a countertop convection oven but you can use the big ov
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