GOOD NEWS: Boo is officially healthy again!! His x-rays were clear and his red blood cell count is back to the unambiguous middle of the healthy normal zone!!! I'm so incredibly relieved that he's as healthy as he's been acting. This has been so incredibly stressful and I'm glad it's resolved with the best of outcomes 💗💗💗💗. Dr. Kersting and his staff are the very best, and Boo owes his life to their expertise.... but I sincerely hope I don't need to see them until after the holidays when I'll schedule Misha for his yearly checkup. 💗 #stlpets #sickbird #wellbird #goodbird #lunginfection #avianmedicine #avianveterinarian #goffinscockatoo #goffincockatoo #cockatooofinstagram #cockatoolove #cockatoolife #bff #bestfriend #allbetter #fullrecovery
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