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Sunday to enjoy the most delicious Boricua food, the best drinks and an excellent musical atmosphere 💃🕺 Today Live music with IGOR MORENO Starting 2:00PM. . Domingo para disfrutar de la más deliciosa comida boricua, las mejores bebidas y un excelente ambiente musical. 💃🕺 Hoy musica en vivo con IGOR MORENO desde las 2:00PM . Puerto Rican Restaurant ☎️️️️️305-996-3305 520 West Avenue,Miami Beach,FL 33139 .⁣ .⁣ #puertoricanfood #boricua #boricuarestaurant #miamibeach #miamibeachrestaurant #miamifoodies #PuertoRico #100x35experience #latinparty #livemusic #lunch #comedy #teather #goodvibes #cocktails

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