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• Thor ⚡- From my own imagination. Drawn directly by using a black pen and coloured by using the oil pastels and colour pencils Thor is necessarily not a pastiche of Superman. Instead, he is Marvel’s answer to DC’s Superman. Indeed, they both have a very different power sets too PS: I’ve drawn this one yesterday, but then I thought that the red colour of the cape is not bright enough. So I’ve now brightened the red colour of the cape 😃 #Art by @samrudh_david #Imagination ✨ #Thor #Norse #Mythology #Thunder #Lightning #Mjolnir #Asgard #King #Avengers #Marvel #Universe #MCU #MarvelComics #Comics #OilPastels #ColourPencils #BlackPen #Instagram #Drawing #ArtWork #InstaArt #InstaArtist #Sketch #ArtWorld #ComicArt #ComicArtist #ArtistsOnInstagram

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