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‏أهنئكم وأبارك لكم بمناسبة حلول عيد الأضحى المبارك، وأتمنى لكم دوام الصحة والعافية. ‏كـل عام وأنتـم بخـير . Dr. Carlos Federico Rodríguez Garantón. Equine Veterinary Specialist. 33 years of experience Graduated from the Central University of Venezuela. Faculty of Veterinary Sciences 1987 in Maracay, Aragua state, Venezuela. College of Veterinarians of the Federal District #508 for 33 years. International Equine Consultant. International speaker, equine practitioner and researcher. Writer in international horse magazines. Certified Farrier by the American Farriers Association Certified Journeyman Farrier by the Brotherhood of working Farriers Association International tester BWFA Professor at the Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University in Palo Verde Veterinary Medicine Professor at the Sir del Lago National Experimental University located in Las Mercedes, Equine Veterinary Medicine International Hall of Fame inductee for AFJ at Churchill Downs Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, USA 1999 President @Caballosalud President of the Association of Equine Veterinary Physicians of Venezuela. President of the Association of Farriers of Venezuela. #CaballosaludCreeEnDios Amen . . SOCIAL NETWORKS LINKS @horsehealth 1- YouTube link 2- Twitter link 3- Personal Facebook link 4- Facebook page link 5- Instagram Link 6- Blog link

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