Nos encanta poder usar el arte para expresar lo que sentimos! AquĂ usamos el poder del Arte para mostrar sentimientos lindos, de amor, de paz y de unidad! Nos encanta los colores azules y lo lindo que se ven cuando las cosas se hacen en Amor, en unidad y organizados; con un fin de dar un mensaje positivo al mundo. "Be the change you wish to see in the đ" "I am fortunate, thanks to God I live a comfortable life. I can choose my next meal, my clothing. But in Tierra bomba the people are not that fortunate, they have few choices, the community is plagued by pollution, a lack of clean water and a lack of housing. The conditions in which they live made me realize how much change is needed. We can continue to live an easy and comfortable existence while ignoring the needs of others or we can live a truely good life by helping the people of tierra bomba. I love my country, and there's no reason why we can't all benefit from the beautiful spirit of all of our people. There's no reason why we can't choose to create a new normal right here, right now. I've made my choice. To me, and hopefully to you, that choice is clear. to my it is common sense" Lo que le falta a muchos. Sentido comĂșn! Lamentablemente su sentido comĂșn es el de destruir! AquĂ la FilosofĂa de Amigos del Mar es el cambio! El temor de Dios, la unidad en el espĂritu y el trabajo en equipo basado en educaciĂłn, disciplina y mucho amor. Usa tu sentido comĂșn! Y ayuda a los demĂĄs! Se el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo. Gracias y @idealistapragmatico por hacer parte de esta linda obra maestra!
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