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What is Astral Travel or Astral Projection?

Astral Travel


Astral travel, telepathy and mind reading are just some abilities which have been often described as being developed by way of spiritual practice. This is really a controversial topic.

Many times, many of us astounded to hear that scientists holding to a specified belief in matter calmly refer to independently as materialists. Because these very learned experts are positive the non material never exist.

There exists horror stories that float around where someone of a friend astral projecting was possessed while the soul was out of the body. Many people who perform astral project reject the chance because of the fact that the soul continues to be connected with the body and springs way back in a nanosecond when there is trouble.

Anyway, Astral travel will not stop your suffering, and even the most desirable spiritual masters and saints must after quite some time get sick and die. You know, the great Buddha himself lived merely to eighty. But, through astral projection you can do a number of things.

You can talk to loved ones that are living, friends and family who might be long dead, your spirit or beast guides, beings from new dimensions, extraterrestrials that are likely to live in some other dimensions for example the Yogis and Andromedans, or maybe you may be able to just fly around and see the world like Super hero. So therefore, what is Astral Travel?

While in Astral Travel, you experience a dreamy, disconnected feeling and feel as if you are flying, In case your daydream was particularly vivid and you can recall the particular geographic whereabouts of the place you visited with lots of detail, then you were probably having an out of body adventure. The one other wonderful clue is whether or not you will be able to stare down at your own body.

This out of body travel at the time of daydreaming is a perfectly healthy, common phenomenon. Dreams are a sort of astral travel, can't be disproved. To claim that it really does, is to employ the trouble of prof fallacy.

The experts who are training astral projection explains that we have gross human body and it is composed of ingredients we recognize. But there is possibly a subtle body (psychic body) composed of smoother compounds enumerated as mind intelligence, and false ego.

This is the vehicle capable of so called astral projection or astral travel. Just as the soul utilize the human body as a mechanism, this can also travel in the indirect astral body, without the physical covering. Either by training or special circumstance, for example a near death, this wandering can happen.

The difference between normal sleep and astral travel is, when you astral, you can consciously control your soul, and where it goes. Our physical body can be alert or sleeping. We, as consciousness, is generally lucid or not. Therefore the trick to astral project is to keep the physical body to deep sleep while the mind stay awake.

The consciousness is not the human body and therefore will never need to sleep. In spite of everything, from Indian Vedic view point, you cannot find any question of mind over matter, for the reason that mind is matter.

Like Aura Reading (, Astral travel is the technique that can be learned. While the period of effort to reach a lucid out-of-body practical experience can change from one individual to another, a little bit of basic principles in addition to selecting the right workout routine could make a world of difference. For individuals who has serious psychological issues should avoid it.

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