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The Good and the Bad things About Tattoos

Nowaday's more people are getting tattoos, which is pretty great for most, however there is some bad sides to getting a tattoo.

The Good

Tattoos let the whole world know who you are, they are great conversation pieces, and they convey to the world some special meaning that you want to share. Tattoos come in a wide range of colors and tons of different designs that you can find quickly in books and on the Internet. In addition, tattoos are fun and sexy after you have this done.

The Bad

Tattoos require that your skin be pierced repetitively with a very sharp needle and inject into your skin ink for coloring. Infection is the biggest problem you will have with the tattoo, and in some cases of really bad infections you may have to suffer through total removal of your prized tat.

While there are many reasons to get a tattoo, there are just as many different reasons not to. The thing is the tattoo is an expression of self, which means that it is all up to you whether or not you want one. This is not a teen phase or a passing whimsy, getting a tattoo is a lifelong commitment. A friend of mine said she has had her tattoo longer than all three of her marriages.
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