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Angle of Louis

Angle of Louis or sternal angle is a junction where manubrium articulates with the body of sternum. This junction connecting the manubrium of sternum with the body of sternum is called manubriosternal joint. Angle of Louis is felt as a bony ridge when the examiner walks his/her fingers down the manubrium.

Sternal angle

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Sternal angle or angle of Louis is of prime importance in medical examination of the chest. It is an important landmark and helps to point out the following:


    1. The second costal cartilage: Angle of Louis connects to costal cartilage of second rib. By this, the examiner can locate 2nd intercostal space that lies below the 2nd rib.
    2. The intervertebral disc between the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae
    3. The junction of the ascending aorta and the arch of aorta and the junction of the arch of aorta and the descending thoracic aorta
    4. The bifurcation of the trachea
    5. The junction of the superior mediastinum and the inferior mediastinum

    These five surface landmarks indicate the value and importance of the angle of Louis

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